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Teleport JavaScript Library Documentation


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The Teleport class enables you to move a DOM element to another location in the DOM tree, either before, inside, or after a target element. The class provides various methods for this functionality and also supports adaptive IDs for elements.
For working examples checkout the "examples" folder in https://github.com/knighttower/adaptive.js

—> Note: this library also offers direct integration with VUE and REACT via Adaptive.js https://github.com/knighttower/adaptive.js as "directive" or "component", you’re welcome! 😉

 * @module Teleport
 * Teleport an element to another place in the DOM before, inside or after a target
 * @param {Object|String} props || selector - props object (domElement: element, adaptiveId: null|uniqueId})
 * @example new Teleport({domElement: element, adaptiveId: uniqueId}).beam({to: selector})
 * @example new Teleport(domElement).beam({after: selector})
 * @example new Teleport(domElement).beam({before: selector})
 * @example new Teleport(domElement).beam(selector) // defaults to "to" which is inside the selector
 * @example const eleTeleport = new Teleport(domElement) // returns the object with eleTeleport{beam(String|Object), back(), cancel()}
 * @example Make it global so that is available in the browser and works as a 'window' library
 *      - new Teleport().global()
 *      - <div data-teleport="selector"></div>
 *      - <div data-teleport="{before: 'selector'}"></div>
 *     - <div data-teleport="{after: 'selector'}"></div>
 * @feature If the target (element where it will be sent to) is not in the DOM it will wait until it is and then it will beam the element
 * @return {Object} Teleport object


Import the required modules:

npm install @knighttower/js-teleport
yarn add @knighttower/js-teleport

To use directly in the DOM via script tag


Importing as a module

import Teleport from '@knighttower/js-teleport';


You can initialize a new Teleport object in multiple ways:

Using a DOM element:

new Teleport(domElement).beam({to: selector});
// * @example new Teleport(domElement).beam({after: selector})
//  * @example new Teleport(domElement).beam({before: selector})
//  * @example new Teleport(domElement).beam(selector) // defaults to "to" which is inside the selector
// * @example const eleTeleport = new Teleport(domElement) // returns the object with eleTeleport{beam(String|Object), back(), cancel()}
//  *

Using an object:

new Teleport({domElement: 'element', adaptiveId: 'uniqueId'}).beam({to: 'selector'});

Enabling Globally in the window:

This will automatically lookup for all elements that have the attribute "data-teleport"

// in you js file
// * @example Make it global so that is available in the browser and works as a 'window' library
new Teleport().global();

// ---> then in html markup
//  *      - <div data-teleport="selector"></div>
//  *      - <div data-teleport="{before: 'selector'}"></div>
//  *     - <div data-teleport="{after: 'selector'}"></div>

loading via script tag:

// in you js file
// Teleport is already global and is available in the browser and works as a 'window' library
const sendMyElement = new Teleport(...object|string).beam(...params);



Beams the element to another place in the DOM.

  • Parameters:

    • $directive: String or Object. Specifies where to move the element. Defaults to "to" (inside the target) if not specified.
  • Examples:

    new Teleport(domElement).beam({after: selector});
    domElement.beam({after: selector});
     * Beam the element to another place in the DOM
     * This method will look for the "tagert" element if it is in the DOM and it will querying the DOM until it finds it
     * if the target is not found call the cancel() method to stop the observer
     * @param {String|Object} target (selector) directive defaults to "to" || {to|after|before: target}
     * @example new Teleport(domElement).beam({after: selector})
     * @example domElement.beam({after: selector})


Moves the element back to its original place.

  • Examples:

    new Teleport(domElement).back();


Cancels the observer if the target element is not found in the DOM.

  • Examples:

    new Teleport(domElement).cancel();


Makes the Teleport object global. This will enable Teleport functionality for elements with a data-teleport attribute.

  • Example:

    new Teleport().global();


  • If the target element is not in the DOM, the Teleport class will keep looking for it until it’s found.

For other cool libraries checkout knighttower.io


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